
Hi there, welcome to my foodblog! I’m a 22 year old medical student with a passion for creating easy, healthy recipes. I started sharing recipes and nutrition tips on my instagram page and I noticed many people wanted me to start a blog, so here it is! In every post I include the full nutritional value of the meal. You will know exactly how many calories you would be consuming and the amount of fat, protein, carbohydrates and micronutrients like vitamins and minerals.


Here I share recipes I try to make as simple, easy and enjoyable as possible, since that is also how I enjoy them. If I wouldn’t make it myself, I won’t post it. The purpose of this blog is to help busy professionals, families, and really anyone else who wants to eat better, to enjoy their favorite comfort foods but in a healthier way. I don’t follow a specific diet and you don’t need to either to enjoy my recipes. In this blog you will find recipes and information for every diet. I hope you like my posts and that they will help you adapt a healthier lifestyle.

food and fit 101